Motors supplied with Polyurethane (PUR) sheathed cables
This material is better suited to the pool environment than traditional PVC-sheathed cables.
– Compatible with immersion in pool water
– Excellent resistance to wear and bending
– High resistance to UV rays and tearing
Motors supplied with standard or custom cable lengths*.
Eliminates the need for a poolside junction box
IP68 quick connectors for five-core cables of different cross-sections
Simple, fast, safe: they are essential if a junction box is required to connect cables of different cross-sections.
500 m reel of “double section” cable
- Five-strand double-section cable made exclusively for UNICUM
- 4mm² for motor supply and 0.5mm² for sensor supply.
For more information, write to us: click on this link
or contact our sales department on +33 (0)4 77 33 36 96
(*) Please note that this option must be carefully evaluated by the customer, as there is a voltage drop depending on the length and diameter of the cable.
As an example, with our standard cable, which has a copper cross-section of 2.5 mm, and a 10m cable, you will have a loss of more than 10% of the power of a 500 or 900 Nm motor.