Discover UNIMot in its all-new electric version

Unimot Elec is now available with its UNIBox 150 LT box The winning duo for large above-ground shutters!

UNIMot Elec is UNICUM’s new product for large above-ground shutters.

This engine offers the highest quality solution for the most demanding users.

Extremely robust and high-performance, it can reach a torque of 200Nm and a load speed of 4 rpm, thanks to its UNIBox 150LT enclosure.

Totally silent in operation, it is equipped with a high-precision electronic sensor and a powerful magnetic brake.

> > The premium solution for large above-ground shutters

UNIBox 150 LT, the new box in the UNIBOX range, is the perfect complement to UNIMot Elec.

Equipped with a 150VA power transformer, it features aquality structurewith simplified architecture at a competitive price.

Like the UNIBox 250 and 450, it features two auxiliary dry contacts for simultaneous control of the filter pump andsalt water chlorinator.